Good quality S460M TMCP steel plates
EN 10025 S460M steel have the good weldable and fine grain structural property. So, it can be used into the steel structural or welded vessel or pressure vessels. At the same time, S460M also can be used in the offshore or any other applications which request the high tensile strength.
Size range for S460M steel plate is : 2-150mm * 1000-3800mm * 3000-18000mm
HENAN JOIN-WIN IM/EX CORP steel keeps more than 10,000 tons S460M steel plates in stock each month. We can meet our customer’s any quantity request. Based on these stock source, our advantage industry spread into steel process like : cutting ( any size and any shape ) drilling, welding, milling, machining and steel structure.
Url www(dot)steel-plates(dot)com
Tel 0086,371,63332179
Fax 0086,371,65777179